
Kineticode offers a variety of training modules to get your oganizaton up to speed and working with Bricolage quickly and effectively. Available modules include:

Introduction to Bricolage

This module offers a high-level overview of Bricolage and its features. It covers the basics of what a CMS is and what it does, and then goes over the basics of workflow, document editing, previewing, and publishing. Recommended as a starting point for all Bricolage users.

Bricolage installation and configuration

This hands-on session covers all the various applications, libraries, and Perl modules required to install Bricolage and get it running. It also covers all Bricolage configuration options and preferences.

Bricolage administration

This class reviews all of the Bricolage administrative interfaces, including users, groups, permissions, workflows, categories, sites, output channels, and elements. Each administrative interface gets a comprehensive treatment, to give new Bricolage administrators the information they need to be able to effectively manage a large Bricolage installation.

Document type analysis and element specification

This course offers an intensive tutorial on the art and science of document type analysis and modeling and element specification in Bricolage. We begin by analyzing the layout of an existing Web site design, breaking it down into its component parts to best suit the requirements of the design—as well as the work styles of the editors who will create its content. We then translate this analysis into a Bricolage element specification and create the required elements in Bricolage. The class concludes with a test of the editing interface for the document types created.

Basic Perl for template developers

This class offers a beginner’s introduction to the Perl programming language. It focuses on providing new Bricolage template developers with the tools they’ll most often use to create templates to format and output the content of Bricolage documents.

Introduction to Mason templating

This course is an extension of the Basic Perl class. It covers the basics of HTML::Mason, the primary templating architecture used by Bricolage. These include Mason’s special substitution and component execution tags, as well as the various block tags that can be used to write pure Perl template code. The curriculum draws on the element specification defined in the Document type analysis and element specification course to create real, working templates.

API and Advanced Templating techniques

This half-day class continues the curriculum of the Mason class by offering a comprehensive review of the most important parts of the Bricolage API for templating. It also documents some advanced tips and tricks for more sophisticated templating, including triggering the publication of other documents, converting to other character sets, creating utility templates, and using external Perl modules.

Customized training

Don’t see the training you need here? Please contact and we’ll work with you to create a custom training course.

It’s refreshing to work with people who are so smart. It makes for productive discourse and rapid problem solving.

Kevin Elliott, ETonline