
What’s New in Bricolage Slides Now Online

The slides from Kineticode president David Wheeler’s 2005 OSCON presentation, What’s New in the Bricolage Content Management System, are now available for download. This presentation covers the new features in the forthcoming Bricolage 1.10.0, features planned for Bricolage 1.12.0, and announces the Kinetic Platform™, the new foundation on which Bricolage 2.0 will be built.

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Polymorhpic Database Design Slides Now Available

The slides from Kineticode president David Wheeler’s 2005 OSCON presentation entitled Polymorhpic Database Design (or, as it was listed in the conference literature, How to Move Object-Relational Mapping into the Database) are now aviailable for download. In this presentation, Wheeler outlines a new approach to database design that leverages features of the database to ease the implementation and performance of object-relational mapping architectures. The technology is being used as the foundation for The Kinetic Platform™, currently under active development by Kineticode.

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OSCON 2004 Slides Now Online

The slides from Kineticode president and Bricolage lead developer David Wheeler’s 2004 O’Reilly Open Source Conference presentation, Discovering Bricolage, are now availalbe for download from the Kineticode Website. The slides analyze the structure of a Webpage from the new Bricolage Website, break it down into a document model for creation in Bricolage, and provide a high-level overview of Bricolage Mason templating.

Download the slides